• Kameran Coming Soon

  • Kameran

    Kameran is a narrative horror game in which the player uncovers the story of their fellow archeologist's downfall with the help of a mysterious polaroid camera that can alter reality. Throughout their story, players will uncover the dark secrets of the past and confront the monsters that follow.



    I'm one of the narrative writers for Kameran and level designers for Kameran as well.



    After crash landing on the island of Dreadloch, the player must find a way off the island while avoiding genetic modified animals that are constantly hunting people on Dreadloch. Welcome to The Long Night.

    Welcome To Dreadloch


    Located north of Canada, Dreadloch is an artic island that is famous for it biodiversity and geography.  Currently Dreadloch is experiencing its monthly period of complete darkness

    Survival of the Fittest


    Use the environment to your advantage to hide from the monsters of the night. Beware as the environment itself can be as dangerous as the monster themselves.

    The Protagonist


    Elizabeth Ried is zoologist researcher who is part of a climate change environmentalist team sent to Dreadloch to conduct research on the local ecosystems. Elizabeth will soon find out Dreadloch is home to dark secrets.

    The Monsters


    Dreadloch is where monsters lurk in the night. Run and hide from the monsters that are always hunting in the dark. They have been waiting for prey, and prey will soon arrive to Dreadloch.

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    About the Author


    My name is Logan Young and I'm pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Games & Simulations with a minor in Individualized Studies and a Certification in Esports Management Miami University.


    I currently use Unreal Engine for game design. Twine is another program that I use for narrative writing. I have learned many different designer programs as well such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,


    I always wanted to create video games. I’ve been playing video games for as long as I can remember. Video games are an important part of my life and I figured that if I care for video games so much, then I should pursue a gaming career. I decided to become a game designer to create video games in order to give people a sense of joy that I had whenever I play video games.